The Wang Chhu begins at the confluence of the Paro Chhu and Thimphu Chhu at Chuzzom. The view downstream from the bridge is very inviting except for a big, ugly drop that is commonly scouted and portaged on the right side.
The rapids are generally Class IV/IV+ but there are a couple that are a little tougher than the rest. Due to the non-stop nature of this run, the difficulty of scouting some rapids, and the boily water it requires Class V skills.
There is rumored to be a more difficult canyon beginning 7 kilometers downstream but large dams are being built so access to the lower section is tough to get permission for.
Trip Highlights
Mile 0: Put-in on either the Paro Chhu or Thimphu Chhu just above the bridge at Chuzzom. Be sure to scout the line down to the first big rapid from the bridge.

Looking down on the Wang Chhu from the bridge at Chuzzom
Mile 0.1: Stupa Drop (V+) should be scouted and/or portaged on the right. Just below this big rapid is a huge boulder in the river that blocks all view. There is an easy, clean line on the left.

Portaging on the Wang Chhu in Bhutan
Mile 2.3: Alu Dorji's Drop (V) is named after a powerful person during the first king's reign and is the next biggest rapid on the river. There is a big line down the middle or a sneak line down the left. Scout from the left side.

Ben and Kali in the entrance of one of Ben's Drop
Mile 3: The final rapid is fairly junky. You can sneak down the right side or take out by scrambling up the hill on the left side.
Mile 3: Take out anywhere the road is close to the river on river left. You'll have to bushwhack up the hillside. The next few miles below here are Class II and III but have little river access.