With challenging rapids and incredible scenery, the East Glacial River is one of the most famous rafting trips in the world. This river is currently under threat from damming.

Trip Highlights

Mile 0: The commonly used commercial launch is on private property.

Mile 0.8: Paddle under the Merkigil Bridge that also provides river access. Downstream there are a few Class III rapids including Shark's Tooth.

Mile 2.2: Alarm Clock (III) signals the beginning of the gorge section.

Rafting Alarm Clock Rapid on the East Glacial River

Rafting Alarm Clock Rapid on the East Glacial River | Photo by Viking Rafting

Mile 2.6: Commitment (IV) is a river wide hole that is difficult to scout. The line varies greatly on water level.

Kayaking the left line at Commitment Rapid on the East Glacial River

Kayaking the left line at Commitment Rapid on the East Glacial River | Photo by Viking Rafting

Mile 2.7: Screaming Lady (III) has a series of large boulders that leads into a pourover.

Mile 3.1: Anup's Hole (III) has a sticky hole on the right.

Mile 4: The Bedroom (III) is a wave train with a river left pourover that comes after a constriction.

Mile 4.3: Green Room (IV+) is a three part rapid that should be scouted on the left. It's name comes from the down time you can get from swimming the third part.

Mile 4.5: The Surf Hole (II+) is a great place for rafts and kayaks to surf.

Near Flip at the Surf Hole on the East Glacial River

Near Flip at the Surf Hole on the East Glacial River

Mile 5: Waterfall (III) is named after a big waterfall on the right.

Mile 5.4: S-Bend Rapid (IV) is the last Class IV rapid on this river.

Mile 8: Confluence with the West Glacial River.

Mile 10.6: Take-out at private property on river left. You'll need permission to use one of the normal take-outs.

Written by
Zach Collier