The Collawash is a National Wild and Scenic River and the largest tributary to the Upper Clackamas River. This lower section begins with some great Class III rapids before the Class IV Boulderdash River.
After Boulderdash the rapids get easier before Chute to Kill. This is a big rapid that can be scouted on the drive or from either side of the river. It can also be portaged on the left by hiking up to the road. Just downstream of Chute to Kill, the Hot Springs Fork enters from river left.
After the Hot Springs Fork the rapids are fun Class II and III with fun playspots. Class III paddlers would enjoy putting in at the Hot Springs Fork and paddling 3.2 miles to the Clackamas River.
Trip Highlights
Mile 0: Put-in at the Collawash River Road Bridge found 5.5 miles upstream of the confluence of the Collawash and Clackamas Rivers. There are several rapids in the first section that should be scouted for wood.

One of the fun rapids upstream of Boulderdash Rapid
Mile 0.4: Boulderdash Rapid (IV) is a long Class IV rapid that can be scouted from the river and/or from the road on the drive to put-in. There can be wood lodged in this rapid so it should be scouted.

Boulderdash Rapid on the Collawash River
Mile 2: Chute to Kill (V) is a three part rapid that can be scouted from the river or on the drive up. Other books and descriptions label this as a Class IV rapid but it's rated more difficult here due of the boulder sieves at the bottom. This rapid can be portaged with moderate effort by hiking up to the road on river left.

Chute to Kill Rapid on the Collawash River
Mile 2.18: The Hot Springs Fork enters on river left and there is great river access here. Downstream the river is fun Class II and III with some great play waves.
Mile 3.9: Up Against the Wall Rapid (III) is a steep drop next to the right wall.

Up Against the Wall Rapid on the Collawash River
Mile 5.16: Paddle under a Collawash River Road Bridge. Raab Campground is on river right below the bridge and provides river access.
Mile 5.45: A fun unnamed Class III rapid.
Mile 6.4: Take-out at or just before the confluence with the Clackamas River. The Two Rivers Day Use Area on river right provides great river access.