The put-in to the great run starts at the hot and sunny River Bridge Campground. However, you quickly enter shade of the massive fir and cedar forest. The water here is crystal clear and chilly, very refreshing on hot summer days. This run offers ledge drops, mossy rock boofs, technical boulder gardens, and good flows late into the summer.
Trip Highlights
Mile 0: Put-in at River Bridge Campground.
Mile 1.2: After some warm up rapids you will comes to the first significant feature, Second Ledge (III) a near river wide ledge drop. At higher flows it can be difficult to scout but at summer flows a large pool on the right allows for you to get out and scout. Watch out for the wall shot at the bottom, there may be some tree debris. The rapid is a fun, quick, and can be lapped if you want to crawl out of your boat and over some rocks.

Second Ledge Rapid on the North Fork of the Rogue River
Mile 1.4: Just a little bit down stream is the next thrill, Swirly Chute (III). At low flows the right and left lines become shallow and very rocky while the middle line sends you over some big waves and through big holes to the swirly runout at the bottom.
Mile 2.1: Right or Left (IV) is the next obstacle and the name says it all. Make a decision early to stay on the right or left side and keep you eyes open. After making the big eddy on the right you will paddle down a chute with a couple big holes into the pool at the bottom. If you decide on going left there are a few boof options that put you right into the big pool at the bottom.
Mile 4: Mystery Door (IV) is your last, any maybe the most difficult rapid on the run. You can sneak on down the far right side and avoid any decision making or you can venture down the middle and pick a door that looks appealing to you. All doors send you to the pool at the bottom where you can cheers to a great run.
Mile 5.1: Take-out after about a mile of flat water. There are a few clearings to take out along the left bank or paddle past the buoys into the small cove where there is a little more room.