Home Forums Illinois River Beta + Questions Illinois Training Runs?

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    I find the jump from the classic Western multiday trips to the Illinois prohibitively scary. I’m very comfortable with runs like the MFS sub 5′, Grand, and the Rogue. I’d imagine taking a Class IV rowing school would go a long way towards Illinois prep. In addition: What are some good PNW training grounds for an aspiring Illinois boater?

    “If you are dialed on ___________, then you should try the Illinois.” Is there any run that fills that blank? Thanks for any advice.


    Great question. I think the Upper Wind is the best place to develop skills needed for the Illinois. Here’s an article with a nice progression for building up to the Illinois.

    River Safety: Northwest Cataraft Progression

    A few other good places to develop skills for the Illinois are the Tuolumne and the Cal Salmon.

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